Submit a Guest Post – Write for Us

Welcome to the Newsenrol!

We appreciate your discovery and interest in writing for us as a guest blogger. We’re always looking for new authors.

Here we are sharing the details that you might find useful for guest blogging to collaborate with us. Explore guest posting guidelines and the process of submitting a guest post to us.

We welcome guest posts related to the following niches:

  • Technology
  • Finance
  • Education
  • Career
  • Trending News
  • Govt & Law
  • Sports
  • Entertainment

We do not accept guest posts related to the following niches:

  • Cashino
  • Gambling
  • Sexually explicit content

Thing to know before publishing your content on Newsenrol:

We want our posts to be engaging to readers and share via social media, so please read and follow our quality guidelines carefully to get published your content.


The article should have a minimum of 600 words and should cover the topic in detail.

Article Quality

We take content quality as a major consideration in accepting guest posts. To make sure your post gets published on Newsenrol, write original content that is written specifically for our audience.

Re-written/Spinning/Duplicate Content

We strictly do not allow this type of content. We will suspend collaboration with such bloggers even for any future opportunities.

Social Sharing and Engagement

We may share your published guest post on our social media channels. We strongly encourage you to share your content on your social channels as well. This will help your content get more exposure and views.

What makes a qualified post-

  • 100% unique content
  • No grammatical mistake
  • Credit to sources and references for statistics, images, videos
  • Screenshots and images to convey your message

Process to submit a Guest Post

  • Mail us an overview of the article idea at for guest posting.
  • We will review your post idea.
  • If your idea gets approved, share the content with us over mail (.docx format) for review process.
  • After reviewing your post, we’ll publish the same on our website.